Hilarious Video: Meet the First Personal Trainer Bear in History

Hilarious Video: Meet the First Personal Trainer Bear in History
Hilarious Video: Meet the First Personal Trainer Bear in History (Reprodução / Instagram)

Have you ever seen something on the internet and immediately thought, “this can’t be real”? Well, that might be your first thought when you watch this video of a bear.

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In a video that has gone viral on social media, a bear is seen keeping two men company as they work out in the snow in a forest in Russia.

In the footage, the two Russians are doing some exercises while the animal appears to be working out as well, doing a sort of push-up. The bear’s name is Tom, and through one of the men’s social media accounts, you can see more videos of them interacting with the bear.

In the comments, many people were impressed, and some even joked about the situation. “What does the bear think it’s doing?”, one asked. “I can never complain about working out in any weather after seeing this video,” said another. “This is the most Russian video I’ve ever seen,” wrote another.

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